Schoolgirl call girl, ABC TV and journalism ethics

call-girl-dilmayaIn a latest news about a couple of schoolgirls being arrested for prostitution in Kathmandu, a local TV has been criticized for divulging too much information of the girl while dramatizing the issue.

On October 2, 2010 police arrested two girls from Town Plazza in Naxal. Two pimps named Sanjiv Lama and Som Bahadur Tamang were also arrested with the girls. It is told that they used to charge Rs. 50,000 for a night to customers, however, the girls got only Rs. 10,000. But, the issue is not about prostitution or, cheating the prostitutes, it is about how our journalist cover the news.

The interviews with the girls don’t make much sense. And, the blurring on the faces of the girls were located in wrong places, multiple times. It looks more like advertising the call girls and their school.

I have embedded the video available in YouTube below to show how they have presented the issue.

I request everybody to flag the video on YouTube. Thanks.

12 thoughts on “Schoolgirl call girl, ABC TV and journalism ethics

  1. Why is media abusing these girls, so what they made a mistake….. u people have no right to destroy their entire life ….. if u wanna show their faces, kina natak gareko sensor lagako jasto garera…… paisa ra news ko lagi aru ko jindagi sanga khelne timiharu???

  2. Doin good job bt the media should not expose their faces nd names loudly. That waz lil embarrassing. This will definitely scare those guls who have forgot to respect their girlsm. Lets hope for good nd end the bad.

  3. केटिको अनुमति बिना उसलाई छुनि पनि यौन शोषणको परिभाष भित्र पर्छ । ं(भिडियो हेर्नुस प्रमाणको लागी) बधाई छ पत्रकार महोदय । तपाईले पनि यौन शोषण गर्नु भयो । अब तपाईलाई कसले कर्वाहि गर्ने ???? तर….साँचि तपाईहरु त कानुन भन्दा माथिनै हुनु हुन्छ क्यारे अनि गफ मात्र ठूला ठूला गर्नु हुन्छ । के गर्ने अरुलाई नराम्रो नदेखाई आफु कसरी राम्रो बन्नु हुन्छ र ?

  4. यौन ब्यबसाय नेपालमा बैध छैन ।यसलाई सरकारले अपराध हो भन्छ । तर कुनै ब्यक्तिको ब्यक्तिगत जीवनलाई टेलिभिजन मार्फत यसरी प्रसारण गर्नु पनि बैध छैन… ।यो सामाग्री प्रसारण पछि कुनै घटना घट्न पुगेमा त्यसको जिम्मेवार को हुने…….?? पत्रकारिताको नाममा ब्यापार बन्द गर ।

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