Glamour posts consolidated (year 2007)

Lindsay lohan loves to be arrested

Today, lindsay lohan is arrested again.

art.lohan.mugAllegedly under the influence and with a small amount of cocaine in her pants pocket, Lindsay Lohan was arrested after chasing the mother of her personal assistant in her car early Tuesday morning, as said by Santa Monica police. That too: just five days after Lohan was booked in connection with a May drunken driving charge.

I got a CNN video cover to share with you. If you want to read about the full story visit this page in CNN web site.

All I can do is to send Lindsey positive vibes and encouragement to get better. She will have to find the strength within herself to have peace with this chapter in her life.

Lohan says she is innocent

“I am innocent … did not do drugs they’re not mine. I was almost hit by my assistant Tarin’s mom I appreciate everyone giving me my privacy,” Lohan wrote in an e-mail to Access Hollywood host Billy Bush.

That was after her arrest (see above) and release Tuesday morning after posting $25,000 bail.
posted on – Jul 26, 2007

Condom Fashion Show in China

Jul 22, 2007

Condom fashion show was held at the Fourth China Reproductive Health New Technologies and Products Expo and organized by China’s largest condom manufacturer, Guilin Latex Factory, to promote the use of condoms in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Beijing July 11, 2007. It marked the World Population Day, organized annually by the U.N. Population Fund.

Models showed off tight-fitting wedding gowns, scaly-looking evening dresses, outrageous bikinis and other garments made entirely of condoms.

Condoms of all shapes and sizes were displayed at the fashion show featuring dresses, hats and even lollipops made of them.

For your entertainment, I am presenting some photos from the fashion show.

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