1.5 years & Dhurmus Suntali still emotional blackmailing – Rangashala debt problem is HUGE

The debt problem of Dhurmus and Suntali and their construction of a cricket stadium in Bharatpur municipality has been lingering for about two years. Dhurmus collected a large sum of money from Nepali all around the world. He started the construction of the stadium and tried to transfer the project to the municipality. But, the municipality is facing legal problem to pay off the 18 crore loan Dhurmus took. They have budget for the new construction but, government has no way to pay the debt Dhurmu took.

Renu Dahal, the mayor, says that 18 crore is not a big sum of money. It is the legal hurdles that are delaying the construction. She has told that at the local level, she has tried to do everything and there is nothing she can do now. Her father, Prachanda, is the prime minister of Nepal now. So, she is banking on his cabinet to approve the construction work of the stadium.

As, Renu Dahal, tries to take over the credit of the construction, Dhurmus and Suntali are at unease. Suntali told about that in a TikTok post – saying, “See, how innocent his face looks…”

What are Dhurmus Suntali hiding?
The real issue is finance of the project. Dhurmus hasn’t been able to produce the detail of the cost and expenditure. That should have been the most easy thing for him to do because of these 4 facts:

1) Dhurmus collected the money. Everything is in the Foundation’s bank account. Printing the account statement would have given all the details of income and expense.
2) Dhurmus was the contractor too – His Foundation hired the construction workers and sub-contractors.
3) Dhurmus is the procurer – He decided what to buy and where to buy the construction materials.
4) Dhurmus took the debt without anybody else’s approval.

Those who donated their hard-earned-money to Dhurmus are asking for that expense details. After almost one and half years of silence, Dhurmus gave a 30-minutes-long statement in a video form. In that 30 minutes, he hasn’t given any more details other than what we already know. No, income details, no expense details and no details about the debt he collected.

The comments in the video are mostly negative and they question Dhurmus’ intent. For example in one comment:
“He is saying is like this: Mummy gave me Rs100 and asked me to buy masala for Rs. 55. When mom asked me the remaining money, I asked her to go and ask the shopkeeper.”

One comment – “Where is the money, they need to be held accountable. They think people are dumb.” and reply to this, “People are really gullible and they won’t be held accountable. What’s more tragic is that people still don’t learn and will support similar charlatans in the future.”

Another comment: “Thag haru. Every work should be transparent. Especially those which used public funds. The financial transparency shouldn’t be in lumps, it should include all the vat bills and required document to testify them. He says I spent that much and bought house and properties. How did you buy your houses and properties when you don’t have any other income sources? I don’t know why but how can these culprit seem thatthey can do whatever things they like and think us as gwachh.”

Another comment: “Why did we need cricket stadium in university land? Who gave permssion to build in university property? Why another cricket stadium when there already is one few miles away, per tara baral? Where is the accounting figures? Where was he for almost 2 years? Hiw were they able to own carode worh cars and open prativa financial, per tara baral ji?”

Another comment: My personal analysis: I might be wrong: their plan was to construct stadium with donation money and save some money to their pocket..by doing this, they will have money as well as huge credit and wishes. Their motive was to come to main politics after completion of this stadium.”

And more, “We have to wait till everything comes outside.Still we can’t judge anyone personally. It’s been too late but it’s Nepali government system and instability of government. There are some political and personal interests involved in this project so it’s not easy to solve this cluster in one snap.

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