Cow urine anti-diabetic ?

Do you know Hindu people drink cow urine for therapeutic and religious purposes? Sounds awkward but it is true. Now, researchers are trying to prove it is not a mere myth.

But it is not to be forgotten that urine is a product excreted through kidneys and contains the waste metabolites. It can also contain the bacteria, bovine tuberculosis for example, and other harmful germs and metabolic products.

Researchers of pharmacology and toxicology department, Veterinary College, Hebbal, India are conducting a study on ‘pharmacological and therapeutic evaluation of cattle urine’. In the first year of study, cow urine, which has traditionally been used only in clinical applications, has shown anti-diabetic properties. (times of india)

In another news, Uttarakhand (Indian province) Government in Feb 2008 announced that it will procure cow’s urine, on the pattern similar to the procurement of milk by dairies, refine it and sell it to Ayurvedic pharmacies. (tmmkonline)

Apart from cow urnine there are some who claim magic healing powers of drinking one’s own urine, called Shivambhu. Some claim that it contains antibodies which act against the harmful diseases affecting our body, but analytically and biochemical it has not been proven so far.

In one more news from Indian Express, Mumbai edition (published on the January 14, 2000 – clip attached), states that Gomutra (gomutram) or the Cow’s Urine highly beneficial in the treatment of Asthma, headache and tooth problems.

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