Short Movie – Hunnari (Deepak and Deepa marry)

The couple of popular teleserial, ‘Tito Satya’, Deepak and Deepa has performed a love marriage in a new short movie prepared for a government organization in association with and INGO, Save the Children. The movie titled ‘Hunnari’ features Deepak Raj Giri as a disabled village boy and Deepa Shree Niraula as a widow.

The movie is prepared to create awareness among the public about the importance of the social security

The movie features Deepak, Deepa, Deshbhakta Khanal, Laxman Bikram Basnet, Laxmi Giri, Niru Khadka, Deepak Acharya, Kamala Regmi, Geeta Thapa and Apsara Adhikari in main roles.

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