Rabi Lamichahne unveils Nepali human trafficking in Libiya (SKJ)

Rabi Lamichhane and investigative journalist has been running this popular TV program – Sidha Kura Jantasanga for a while. He has been doing social work with this program for a while. In this episode of the program Lamichhane discusses:

– How Libiya has become the human trafficking transit point. A lot of Nepali struck in Libiya have been in contact with the program host.
Lamichhane is helping to rescue those in Libiya.

A heartbreaking phone call from a sugarcane farmer in Saptari.

Watch the full program:

पाकिस्तानी एजेन्टले बन्दी बनाएका नेपालीको लिबियाबाट म्यासेज, खादा मालाको पैसा मात्र नास, घर बनेन !

Ko Banchha Crorpati (KBC Nepal) Episode 1 and 2

Ko Banchha Crorepati is a new Nepali television show – a franchise game show based on the British reality TV Show – Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.

The show was premiered on 2 February 2019 on AP1 Television and is scheduled to run for 52 episodes. The host Rajesh Hamal has changed his getup by cutting his hair short for the show. The question-answer contestant awards 1 crore (10 million) Nepali rupees to the person who can answer all the question in a particular episode.

Rajesh Hamal hair style:
राजेश हमाल: पहिलो पटक यस्तो लुक्समा Rajesh Hamal New Style in Ko Banchha Karorpati (KBC Nepal)