Indigenous Film Festival concluded in Chitawan

Fourth Nepal International Indigenous Film Festival 2010 is being held in various parts of Nepal. In the event held in Chitawan last Saturday, a Magar language film, Barahi Putra, was ranked the top.

The event in Chitawan was organized by Tamang Film Association with the support of Indigenous Film Archive (IFA). Among the ten films screened in the event, some of the movies liked by the audiance were: Gurung film Tinaga, Tamang film Godeba, Tharu film Bhuyaar, and a documentary named The Long Journey.

Next event will be organized in Pokhara by Gurung Films Association. IFA has scheduled other events to be held in Birtamode, Dharan, Butwal and Dang. Detailed schedule of the event can be seen by clicking the poster on the right.

One thought on “Indigenous Film Festival concluded in Chitawan

  1. it’s great to see events like this out there! i love indigenous projects, they keep us human :)
    the company i work for actually does something kind of similar. it’s called last voices, and it’s about saving dying cultures through music and art and film just like this. check out the facebook! it’s a lot of fun

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