Nepali Movie – Bhagya Rekha

bhagya rekhaNepali Movie – Bhagya Rekha
Starring – Parshuram Chaudhary, Nitya Chaudhary, Pratima Chaudahary etc.
Director – Parshuram Chaudhary

Nepali movie ‘Bhagya Rekha’ is a presentation of Nepal Max, by Renu Chaudhary. This new movie movie is NOT the original movie by the same name. The movie features the story, script, dialogue, background music and effects of the director and lead actor Parshuram Chaudhary. Others include music by Dasharath Prasad Chaudhary, choreography of Keshav Koirala, action of SK Maharjan, cinematography of Ram Narayan Chaudhary, editing of Renu Chaudhary and produced by Munar Lal Chaudhary.

Full movie in single part:

New Nepali Full Movie Bhagyake Rekha by Parshuram Chaudhary

upload credit – Music Nepal

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