MCC effort & USA extra-ordinary interest

High level US officials are visiting Nepal regularly to convince the government to accept the FREE money it is giving Nepal. The effort is of such a high stake that:

It has been years and years and people have protested US assistance. Four striking thing about the giveaway:

1) USA is trying very hard to shove the money to Nepal
2) US Embassy paid a Nepali TV Channel to promote the FREE giveaway – AP1 TV channel met with protest.
3) The MCC official visited Nepal and met with everybody of the leading party. She couldn’t convince them.
4) A foreign ministry official visited Nepal this week – he repeated the same thing

Many media are writing pro-MCC (most of them are clearly sponsored, although such disclaimers are missing).
For example NepaliTimes warns – “Nepal’s private sector says country will lose Rs142 billion annually if the US-aided project is not ratified”

And the “Just Do It” editorial sounds clearly biased:

Launched in 2004 The MCC project of the US government has a mission to end poverty of least developed countries. In 2012 Dr. Baburam Bhattarai government had shown interest in the project and Nepal met the eligibility criteria and was selected as a partner at that time. Now, his party is one of the five-party ruling alliance.

The project was supposed to work on electricity transmission lines and highway upgrading by the $500 million fund USA is supposed to give for free. There are a number of clauses in the agreement that talk about “border enforcement” and India’s approval, and other such things that have raised alarm. The biggest alarm is the parliamentary ratification of the project.

MCC - चिठ्ठी आएको भोलीपल्ट हस्ताक्षरकर्ता आइपुगिन Vice-President Fatema Z Sumar in Kathmandu
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