1.5 years & Dhurmus Suntali still emotional blackmailing – Rangashala debt problem is HUGE

The debt problem of Dhurmus and Suntali and their construction of a cricket stadium in Bharatpur municipality has been lingering for about two years. Dhurmus collected a large sum of money from Nepali all around the world. He started the construction of the stadium and tried to transfer the project to the municipality. But, the municipality is facing legal problem to pay off the 18 crore loan Dhurmus took. They have budget for the new construction but, government has no way to pay the debt Dhurmu took.

Renu Dahal, the mayor, says that 18 crore is not a big sum of money. It is the legal hurdles that are delaying the construction. She has told that at the local level, she has tried to do everything and there is nothing she can do now. Her father, Prachanda, is the prime minister of Nepal now. So, she is banking on his cabinet to approve the construction work of the stadium.

As, Renu Dahal, tries to take over the credit of the construction, Dhurmus and Suntali are at unease. Suntali told about that in a TikTok post – saying, “See, how innocent his face looks…”

7 FACTS: Dhurmus Suntali & Renu Dahal's promise to construct Bharatpur Cricket Stadium by cabinet
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