Malvika Subba, Riyaz Shrestha Divorce Story in 12 Points & biography

Malvika Subba, the Miss Nepal of 2002 finally revealed that she was divorced 2 years ago. This was a surprise revelation, although she had previously hinted about it. That still was unbelievable as a lot of youth consider her their idol and a lot of couple also wanted her to be ideal for a successful couple.

But the truth is unpleasant:
13 FACTS: Malvika Subba divorce & relationship issues in pregnancy, family, culture & Miss Nepal

Here are 12 thing’s about Malviaka’s divorce case:

  1. Malvika Subba had been the host of various seasons of couple love-story interview show Jeevan Sathi in Himalaya TV. She herself was a guest with her then-husband Riyaj Shrestha during her pregnancy. That was the time they had started to drift away – during her pregnancy.
  2. Malvika and Riyaj were in love-relationship for 3 years before they finally decided to get married in 2069 BS
  3. The marriage was intercaste marriage – a Subba of Mongol origin and Shrestha of Kathmandu. She has indicated that that might be one of the reasons for the failure of their marriage.
  4. Marriage between Malvika’s parents (Father a Subba and Mother a Brahmin) was also inter-caste. That marriage parted her parents from their respective parents (Malvika’s grandparents).
  5.  In an interview, Malvika had told that the cultural and traditional beliefs had caused daily headaches in her life.
  6. When their son Zyair (spelled his father Riyaz) was born, the traditional and cultural difference made it difficult for her to adjust in the family. That was despite of her Laws great help in raising her son.
  7. The relationship between Riyaz and Malvika deteriorated during her pregnancy, and they were always quarreling.
  8. After birth, first 6 months was the toughest in her life. In the first 4 months she devoted 16-hours of her day to take care of the child. After two hears of her motherhood with her husband’s parents it became unbearable, and she decided to live on her own.
  9. Her decision to live on her own was not accepted by her maternal family. So, she had rented a room to live with her son near her husband’s home. That was how she kept the son near his father and his grandparents.
  10. After 4 years of living alone with her son, she decided to get divorced.
  11. After divorce, Malvika and Riyaz are co-parenting the child. She also claims that she hasn’t taken any property from her ex-husband.
  12. Malvika kept the divorce a secret from the media for two years and finally shared the experience in actress Priyanka Karki’s YouTube channel.

I had talked a lot about Malvika subba in past. For example:
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