Blackberry in Nepal – 5 questions on security concerns of Nepal Police

Blackberry_bold The police has started to worry after a day of the release of Blackberry in Nepal. It looks suspicious on why they waited this long to show their worries.

Some questions that came to my mind :

  1. Do mobile phones have security threats ? What about chats – every phones these days are connected to net. Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, Skype or any other similar services have video chat facilities. I don’t think they get recorded in the Blackberry servers.
  2. Didn’t the Nepali police know about Blackberry launch before hand? Why worry after it’s release? Did India asked them to ?
  3. Why is it released in Nepal when India is mulling over kicking out Blackberry from India? Does the time signifies anything?
  4. Spice Nepal is told to have connection with Indian businessmen. Does that say something?
  5. Why isn’t Blackberry security threats to the US, UK or any other countries ?  Why only India or Nepal? My guess was that the US was the most vulnerable countries in the world.

It is to be noted that India has been complaining about the security features in Blackberry and they are trying to break through its system and access mobile usage data. The high security and reliability has been the most important aspect of Blackberry and it has helped them in penetrating the corporate settings.

Come on, Nepal Police, you have better things to do than worrying about security — hey what happened to the websites ban to start this week?

One thought on “Blackberry in Nepal – 5 questions on security concerns of Nepal Police

  1. I think police should do something better instead to taking care of blackberry security. and for Ncell, instead of selling a lot of Blackberry set, its better for them to fixed the blackberry system first. Because Blackberry system in Nepal is CRAP. usually when you register and pay some amount of money, then u will be free to use RIM package such as YM, BBM, email and browser and not charge it again from your balance, unless u use it for sms or calling. but here in Nepal, the system keep on charging the balance even when im not using my phone at all, not even touching it! really sucks!

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