First paper money of Nepal (Rs. 5, 10 and 100)

The first paper money started to be circulated in Nepal after – 1945:


Rs.5 Violet Brown 
Front – Portrait of King Tri
Back – Tiger in a Jungle.
Size: 73 X 126 mm.
Quantity published: 0.66 million (approximate)
Security features: Serial Numbers and watermark of King’s Portrait.

In circulation after – 1945
Rs.10 Grey Blue

Front – Portrait of King Tribhuwan and Guheshwari temple
Reverse: National crest
Quantity: 0.32 million approximate
Security features: Serial nos and watermark of King’s Portrait.

Rs.100 Dark green, purple
rtrait of King Tribhuwan and Pashupati temple.
Reverse : Asian Rhinoceros.
Quantity: 45 thousand approximate
Security features: Serial nos and watermark of King’s Portrait.

4 thoughts on “First paper money of Nepal (Rs. 5, 10 and 100)

    • Tks. They are exquisitely nice. By the way what would be the dealer’s offer of this very nfirst set in mint condition?

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