First time: Samragyee’s Bikini Avatar in Australia, Swimsuit pose with Jharana Thapa

Actress Samragyee RL Shah is currently in Australia for the premier of her second movie, ‘A Mero Hajur 2’ with the director and producer of the movie, Jharana Thapa. The red attire Samragyee wore in the premier of the show made news for it boldness. Samragyee has also recently shared some swimsuit poses. The bikini avatar is probably the first such pose of the actress.

The high-rated actress of the current time, Samragyee is also one of the highest paid actress in the film industry. Samragyee was reportedly paid Rs. 500,000 for the role she did in her second movie ‘A Mero Hajur 2’. Recently she was reportedly paid twice that amount in her upcoming movie with Aryan Sigdel. Although Samragyee refused to confirm or deny the amount, she had confirmed she was considering doing the movie. Samragyee debuted in Bhuwan KC’s movie ‘Dreams’ opposite to Anmol KC. After the success of the movie, she has established herself as one of the most sought after actress in the film industry.

[Read more about ‘A Mero Hajur 2’ premier in Australia here]

Currently Samragyee is travelling in various citites in Australia including Sydney, Tasmania, Brisbane, and Melbourne.

Samragyee is linked to the royal family of Nepal. Although she doesn’t have a royal connection these days, the fathers of her grandfathers were close relatives of then king. Here are some more two-piece photos of the hot actress:

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