Let’s welcome Sunita Giri – our new blogger

sunita If you were fed up with my writing, you will be relieved to know that a new writer, Sunita Giri, will be writing regularly. And, I have nowhere to go – so, I will also be writing.

Apart from writing, Sunita is a designer of woolen dress. Her favorite is bandanna (Dumb me, I didn’t know what they were until she showed me her photo wearing one). I wondered why it was called bandanna. Band makes sense but Anna doesn’t. I hope Sunita is mulling over my proposal to call them BandSunita or something like that.

She is also selling them if anybody is interested. Please fill in the form below if you have any questions about them or want to order.

Sunita has been very generous to offer FREE bandannas for all the Eye Contest winners (the only problem is, there are no winner this time).

I am extremely sorry for making the contest so hard that, the participants have mentioned names of every Nepali actress, except the correct one. It was really interesting, so I made a graph out of it. The contest no. 3 will be interesting one and the prize amount will be double and I will try to make it a bit easier than the contest no. 2.

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