MLTR to go live in Nepal 2011 in Tundikhel on Nov. 19

On Saturday, November 19, popular band Michael Learns to Rock (MLTR) is scheduled to go live in Nepal 2011 Concert in Tudikhel, Kathmandu.


Three of the band members Jascha Richter (vocalist and keyboardist), Kare Wanscher (drummer) and Mikkel Lentz (guitarist) were escorted to Hotel Radisson in the Nepali vehicle Mustang.

Jascha Richter told, "I love Nepal. We are really excited, and have been waiting for twenty years to perform in Nepal. Now, the dream has come true."

Jascha Richter, MLTR

Malvika with_Jascha_MLTR

MLTR concert starts at 6pm and last for two hours. A number of performances by Nepali artists including Mt 884, Sabin Rai, and Sunil Bardewa will also perform in the occasion. Dinesh DC will be the host in the concert whereas, Malvika Subba and Prasan Syangden will accompany the live concert. (Photo credits Malvika Subba)

MLTR in their official website, have posted this video titled "MLTR Live in Concert Nepal":

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