Shree Ganesh Gentle Film has come up with its fourth movie, a comedy named ‘Mero K Gati Hune Ho’. The movie is directed by Sunil Pandey and produced by Madhusudhan Silwal.
Other crew members are Yubaraj Rai as cameraman, script of Shibam, and action by Ram/Janak. Sambujeet Baskota has written the musical score and Nimesh Shrestha has done the editing of the movie.
The movie casts : Shiva Shrestha, Nikhil Upreti, Ramit Dhungana, Jharana Thapa, Tripti Nadkar, Usha Poudel, Dilip Gautam, Nir Shah, Sushil Pokharel, Nagendra Rijal etc.
It is claimed that the movie will be one of the best picture quality movie in Nepali cinema industry.