Nano, Na..No after 60K price hike – Nepali pay 4 times the price in India

The authorized distributor of the so called "cheapest" vehicle, Tata Nano, Sipradi Trading, has raised its price by as much as Rs 60,000, within a few weeks of launching it in Nepal.

Nano was never cheap in Nepal. It cost about Rs. 8 Laks for the cheapest, Rs. 10 Lakhs for the intermediate and the LX model was 11.7 Lakh, before the price hike. Now, the revised price are Rs. 8.58 Lakh, 10.2 Lakh, and 11.8 Lakh respectively.

It is strange how a car that costs – IRs. 140,880 in Delhi, India costs can cost Rs. 858,000 in Nepal. After conversion (multiplied by Rs. 1.6) the Indian version of the car cost Nepali Rs. 225,408 in Delhi. The price a Nepali pays for the same car can buy 4 Nano cars in India (3.81 cars, to be exact).


Now, the question arises, who takes the extra 6.32 Lakh from each and every Nano cars sold in Nepal?

We believe, this is the worst form of cheating in Nepal for a totally unsafe (no airbag, plastic body), uncomfortable (no air conditioning), and underpowered (624cc 2-cyl engine) car. See the "specification" below:


7 thoughts on “Nano, Na..No after 60K price hike – Nepali pay 4 times the price in India

  1. टाटा न्यानो नेपालीलाई ४ गुणा महंगो – त्यो पैसा कसको खल्तीमा जान्छ ? यसरी एउटै कार बाट रु ६,३२,५९२ फाइदा लिएर “संसारकै सस्तो” भनेर नाम कमाएको कार बेच्दा पनि नेपालीहरुले सयौंको संख्यामा यस्तो कार खरिद गर्नु आफैमा अचम्मको कुरा छ |

  2. टाटा न्यानो नेपालीलाई ४ गुणा महंगो – त्यो पैसा कसको खल्तीमा जान्छ ? यसरी एउटै कार बाट रु ६,३२,५९२ फाइदा लिएर “संसारकै सस्तो” भनेर नाम कमाएको कार बेच्दा पनि नेपालीहरुले सयौंको संख्यामा यस्तो कार खरिद गर्नु आफैमा अचम्मको कुरा छ |

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