Nepali Movie – 3 Lovers (pre-release review)

Nepali movie ‘3 Lovers’ is releasing on  December 7, 2012. The movie directed by Suresh Darpan Pokharel features Priyanka Karki, Devu Shrestha, Niraj Baral, Pooja Sharma, Dhirendra Thapa, and Suman Gaire in leading roles.


The movie features the cinematography of Puroshottam Pradhan, fight direction of Himal KC, music direction of Baboo Boagti & Rajan Ishan, choreography of Kabiraj & Shankar BC, editing of Dirgha Khadka, and script of Shivam Adhikari.

Crew Background

Actress Priyanka Karki was Miss Teen 2005 and had lived in the US for some time. She got married and came back to test her luck in acting. She is yet to be tested. Niraj Baral, with his theatrical background, is considered to be one of the seasoned actors in Nepali movie industry. New actors Pooja Sharma and Dhirendra Thapa is also to be seen for the first time on screen. Actor Suman Gaire is also relatively new in the industry.

Director Suresh Darpan Pokharel started his direction career with the movie ‘Nishana’, released in 2009. Before that, he used to be a RJ in Synergy FM, Chitwan. He had also directed ‘Kaslai Diu Yo Joban’, Bhul bhaya Maaf Gara and Miss U..

Movie and media response

The movie told to be a ‘strange love story’ was given ‘PG’ certificate by the censor board because of bed scene and kiss scenes; i.e. 16-years and young children should watch the movie with their parents. The board has also asked the movie team to limit such scenes to 4 second.

The movie had been aggressively promoted in Facebook and offline. The media response can be summed up as a positive one.


Music videos and trailer of the movie:
Suntali Mai – song

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Song – I Love You
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