Nepali movie ‘Saayad’ is releasing on May 11, 2012. The movie directed by Suraj Subba “Nalbo” features Sunil Rawal, Samyam Puri, Wilsom Bikram Rai, Jharana Thapa, and Anita Daha in leading roles.
The movie features the cinematoraphy of Sanjay Lama, music direction of the Shadows Band/Araaj Keshav Giri, choreography of Govinda Rai/Araaj Keshav Giri, editing of Bipin Malla, and story/script/dialogue of Suraj Subba “Nalbo”.
Crew Background
Except Jharna Thapa, all of the actors in ‘Sayaad’ are are new. Sunil Rawal, who is also trying to test his hand in acting in this movie, is also the producer of the movie. Samyam Puri is another actor with important role in the movie. Samyam is also the son of the director Narayan Puri. Samyam is debuting in his acting career with this movie. Wilson Bikram Rai, known for his funny roles in TV serials, will also be tickling your funny bones in ‘Sayaad’.
‘Sayaad’ is the fourth venture of Suraj Subba “Nalbo” as a director. After the huge success of Nalbo’s third movie ‘Bato Muni Ko Phool’ people have high expectation from the director. With all the new faces in lead roles and even the producer being new, the director has a huge responsibility on his shoulders.
Movie and media response
Saayad is based on a story of plus-two students. The movie deals with students, drugs, sex and lust common at the teenage years. The movie also deals with the responsibilities of parents and guardians of the teens. From the promotional materials and media reports it is clear that the movie is based on problem in our youth and the society.
The movie has gained very good responses from general public and medias before its release. As already mentioned, people have a big expectation from this movie. The promotional video of the movie is also received well by general public. Few dialogues from the movie are already popular among youth. At this time, it seems, the music in the movie is not that good.
Presence in Internet and social media
More information on the movie can be obtained from it’s website There is a Facebook page to share information with the movie makers and general public
i was playing as the child of the two main characters… heh, fancy me being so lucky. :) :)
Great Madalasha!
Keep it up
my best film ..i love saayad movie
i waiting this movie