Nisha Adhikari honored for climbing Mt. Everest

The Rotary Club of Nagarjun has honored actress Nisha Adhikari for being the first Rotarian to climb Mt. Everest. As a member of the Club, Nisha had carried a flag of the Club to the top of the Peak. In the ceremony Nisha handed over the flag she took to the top to the Club.

 rotary club honor nisha adhikari

Before that film artists Nisha Adhikari and Arjun Karki were honored by the Film Artist Association. During the program Nisha and Arjun shared their experience of climbing the highest peak in the world. They also talked about the risks and challenges they faced while climbing Mt. Everest.

Arjun Karki is the first Nepali film artist to scale Mt. Everest. Nisha is the first Nepali actress to reach the peak.

nisha and arjun honored -film artists association

3 thoughts on “Nisha Adhikari honored for climbing Mt. Everest

  1. I don’t beleive they climbed MT. Everest because look at their face their face look so clean and ther isn’t any burned face so clean In my view the people who climb Mt everest their face should be burnt ..isn’t it…..

    • I think people who spend years in the mountains, often in lieu of research or a career of mountaineering develop sunburn marks (red-faced-ness, frostbites e.t.c.). I think for a one-timer, the effect is neigh to none.

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