Second generation MaHa to be featured in stage for the first time

The sons of MaHa – Mohit Bansha Acharya and Yaman Shrestha (MoYa) are going to be featured together on stage for the first time in their lives. The comedy program to start from Monday, “MaHa Jatra” will feature Mohit and Yaman on the same stage.

yaman shrestha and mohitbansha achary

Although they will share the stage, the presentation however are separate. Both Mohit and Yaman have presented their talents in stage but, this is the first time they will show in the same stage on the same day. Yaman is a singer who will present a comedy song in the show and Mohit will act with MaHa.

A funny song by Yaman about the life of Nepali in USA:

None of Mohit or Yaman have chosen entertainment industry their career. Mohit is running a restaurant in Kupondole and Yaman is running an agriculture center of MaHa after returning from the USA. Yaman had lived in the USA for more than a decade before returning back to Nepal earlier this year.

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