Nepali Movie – Dautari

dautariNepali Movie – Dautari
Starring, , Melina Manandhar etc.
DirectorDayaram Dahal

A  presentation of AI film, Nepali movie ‘Dautari’ (also called ‘Dauntaree’) features child artists Ashish Khanal, Binaya Bhattarai, Ashish Malla and Roshani Shrestha. The movie features the script / dialogue of Amar Rasaili, story of Sunita Bajagain, choreography of Prabesh Bantawa, action of NB Maharjan, editing by Rajani Pant, lyrics of Dayaram Dahal / Sambhujit Baskota / Sahadev Dhungana, music of Sambhujit Baskota, cinematography of Dik Khadka, and produced by Draupada Bajagain.

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