Nepali Movie – Maidan (Rajesh Hamal, Biraj Bhatt, Rekha Thapa)

maidanNepali Movie – Maidan
Starring – Rajesh Hamal, Biraj Bhatt, Rekha Thapa, Mukunda Thapa, Rajesh Dhungana, Jenny Kunwar, Umesh Khadka etc
Director – Mahendra Budhathoki

About ‘Maidan’

Super hit movie of the past ‘Maidan’ features action star Biraj Bhatt and mahanayak Rajesh Hamal with top actress in the Nepali film industry Rekha Thapa. The script and dialogue of the movie is written by Maunata Shreshta. The movie is a presentation of Dil Kumar Pyasi for Abhi Films. The movie ‘Maidan’ is credited to help Biraj Batt and his popularity. The decade old movie is worth a watch if you haven’t done already. The music in the movie is composed by Suresth Adhikari.

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