Vietnam – Hoang Thuy Linh – Paris Hilton type scandal

In America, Paris Hilton’s notorious sex tape started her career in the glamour industry but in Vietnam, an online sex video starring TV sweetheart Hoang Thuy Linh has question marked her career!

In Vietnam, however, this 19-year-old’s online antics has the entire nation calling them — and her — an unforgiveable disgrace.

In “Vang Anh’s Diaries,” Thuy Linh starred as a high school girl who upholds Vietnam’s traditional virtues. Translation? Women are chaste — not churning with sexual desire. Then the 16-minute video hit. Thanks to four college students who posted the clip on the Internet on October 15, the world watched this teen queen and her former boyfriend do the nasty knowing that the camera was on them.

vietnam paris hilton Hoang Thuy Linh

In no time, her TV show was dumped by her network. The tearful actress in national TV said, “I made a mistake, a terrible mistake. I apologize to you, my parents, my teachers and my friends.”

But “damage” was already done! Her boyfriend will be forgiven but she won’t! (more photos of her below.)
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