Nepali Movie – Anadi Kheladi

anadi_kheladi_200 Nanda Shreebastav for Shreebastav Films present
Nepali Movie – Anadi Kheladi
Starring: Nikhil Upreti, Krishna Abhisekh, Arunima Lamsal, Jhalak Thakkar, Kamal Krishna, Nanda Shreebastav etc.
Story/Direction – Kishor Rana ‘Magar’
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Arunima expecting a daughter on Nov. 26

The doctor of Arunima Lamsal have estimated the birth date of her first child to be on November 26, 2011 (Mangsir 10). After the fetal ultrasound, to Arunima’s delight, the doctors have also confirmed that her first baby will be a girl.

Talking to an online magazine, Arunima told that she and the family members are so excited that that they have already started calling her the "Young Arunima".

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