Facebook – Movie Review

The movie produced by actress Jharana Thapa, ‘Facebook’ was released all over Nepal on Firday, September 7. The director, Suraj Subba ‘Nalbo’ has also written the suspense thriller movie.The movie related to the social networking site Facebook features Jharana Thapa, Swatantra Pratap Shah, , Sunil Thapa, and Subash Thapa in lead roles.


Facebook is a story of a girl named Sanskriti (Jharana Thapa) who falls in love with Yodin (Swatantra Pratap). Yodin, a rich NRI living in Singapore, knew Sanskriti in the social networking site, Facebook. After an online affair, Yodin flew back to Nepal to marry Sanskriti. In Nepal, Yodin’s uncle Harish (Sunil Thapa) sends them to a theatre to watch movie where Yodin was kidnaped by a gang. The police thought Harish was behind the kidnapping of Yodin. I don’t want to ruin your movie watching experience by divulging the secret.
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