Nepali Movie – American Sapana

Nepali Movie – American Sapana (American Dreams)
Starring – Bishow Sharma, Dristi Chhetri, Bibhor Upreti, Sumesh Kunikel, Dilip Roshan Das etc.
Screenplay, Dialogue – Nischal Shrestha
Writer, Director, Cinematographer – Bipop Upreti

The movie, ‘American Sapana’ is a film about modern day Nepali Students and their troubles while studying in the USA. The fictionalized version, based on a number of true stories represent the truth faced by foreign students In the USA. The movie is the presentation of Manoj Kumar Upreti for Mt. Everest Cine Creation.

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No Kabaddi at Gopi Krishna, movie withdrawn after the first show (update – moved to Fcube)

The ‘Kabaddi’ production unit and distributors have withdrawn the movie from Gopi Krishna theater in Chabahil. The producer and distributors took the step when the theater owner, Uddav Poudel, refused to provide high capacity theaters for the movie. The first show of the movie went in Shivaya and Radha halls. These halls have capacities of 200 viewers each.

kabadi poster being removed

According to report, both the halls were houseful and some viewers had returned back when they couldn’t get the ticket of the movie. ‘Kabaddi’ producer Nischal Basnet and others demanded the higher capacity hall like Krishna hall. The higher viewer capacity hall showing Hindi movie ‘Two States’ is told to have very low density viewers.

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