Reema Bishowkarma couple donated honeymoon fund for film artists welfare

Actress and model Reema Bishowkarma and her newly wed husband Robert Bishwokarma have donated the fund they had set aside for the honeymoon trip to the Film Artists Welfare Fund of Film Development Board (FDB). Reema and Robert handed over the fund to actress Jharana Thapa, the coordinator of the Film Welfare Fund, in an event in Kathmandu. 

reema bk donate the honeymoon fund

Reema and Robert were planning to go to Maldives or Paris for honeymoon. As the honeymoon plan was canceled for now, they decided to donate the amount for good cause. Jharana was recently appointed to coordinate the social wing of FDB. In the fund handing over ceremony, Reema’s husband Robert was also with her.

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