Chapali Height actor, Raj Ghimire, arrested for abduction

The actor of the hit movie ‘Chapali Height’, Raj Ghimire, has been arrested on December 18, on the charges of abduction and beating of a youth. A Godawari resident, Kumar Silwal, had lodged a complaint against Raj Ghimire of abducting him from his house. Kumar has accused Raj of taking him to Hotel Chhari and beating. In the complaint, he was taken to a forest for further beating.

raj ghimire chapali height actor

Based on the complaints of Silwal, the police has acquired a 5-days-long arrest warrant to prepare for the legal case against Ghimire. According to reports, the police Deputy Superintendent of Lalitpur Police, Dayanidhi Gyawali has confirmed the arrest and has told that the investigation is going on.

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