Priyanka Karki to change her name to Priyanka Joshi, engaged to Ayushman Desraj Joshi

Actress Priyanka Karki and actor and model Ayushman Desraj Joshi have engaged on Saturday July 14th, 2018 in a private function. The engagement ceremony was unannounced and a surprise event for all except their family members. The mother of Ayushman, Raveena Desraj Shrestha, was the first person to release the photos of the engagement in her Instagram and Facebook. Priyanka and Ayushman did the same by sharing the same photos in their Instagram accounts.

Video report coming soon:

प्रियंकालाइ नाम परिवर्तन गर्न हतार - Priyanka karki changes her name, why ? #Ayanka

Also watch this video report about Ayushman’s mother and Priyanka Karki in swimsuit:

Priyanka Karki & Raveena Desraj Shrestha at swimming pool - Modern Mother-in-law

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