25 Years of Miss Nepal – Newar, Khas Arya girls

This report was posted by Barsat Karki in Anand Nepal’s YouTube channel in the following video:

Stats from the 25 Miss Nepal competitions

Newar Winners – 13/25
Khas Winners – 7/25
2 Limbu Winners, 1 Gurung, 1 Tamang and 1 Marwadi Winner

Shrestha Winners within Newar Winners – 6/13
(5 winners were from the last 10 years)

Newar Winners who were from Kathmandu Valley (KTM,LAT,BKT) – 9/13
Khas Winners who were from Kathmandu Valley (KTM,LAT,BKT) – 6/7
Other Winners who were from Kathmandu Valley (KTM,LAT,BKT) – 1/7
Total Winners who were from Kathmandu Valley (KTM,LAT,BKT) – 16/25

It is obvious that Newar and Khas Women dominate Miss Nepal as winner with 20/25 wins in total. It is also the case that Women from Kathmandu Valley are more likely to be Miss Nepal. Luckily this fact is changing quickly because in the last 10 years only half of the winners were from Kathmandu Valley compared to the previous decade than this where 8/10 where from Kathmandu Valley. Also Educated Women are more likely to be Miss Nepal as well because 20/25 Winners had completed their Bachelors Degree. In my opinion Miss Nepal mirrors how ethnicities other than Newar and Khas are deprived from resources that would enable them to participate and qualify in these pageants .
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