Aiselu – wild raspberries found in Nepal

A common fruit in the hilly Nepal, Aiselu, is usually ripe for eating in around spring time. These delicious wild raspberries can be plucked out of bushes with a lot of thorn.


Aiselu is one of the favorite wild fruits among the locals. Those who don’t want to go hunting for the delicious fruit, can sometimes find children and adults selling the fruit on road sides in a cup or a piece of paper.




Photo credits – Author’s own and various online sources

3 thoughts on “Aiselu – wild raspberries found in Nepal

    • I am not sure of the scientific name. The fruit seem to belong to Rubus family. Some say, it is called raspberry (Rubus idaeus) in English. But, raspberry is a lot different in color and taste when compared to Aiselu.

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