Astika Shrestha – Miss Nepal 2020 contestant No. 21

The Contestant number 21 of Miss Nepal 2020 is Dr. Astika Shrestha. A recent graduate of MBBS is currently doing her internship. More details will be added in this post soon.

Astika graduated from St. Xavier’s school in 2012 and St. Xavier’s College, Maitighar in 2014 before she started medical studies.

After being selected one of the finalists of Miss Nepal 2020, Astika Shrestha wrote, “Hey everybody! I’m really thrilled to finally put this up on my feed! CONTESTANT NO. 21, Miss Nepal 2020. Thankyou for showering me with all the love and support in these past few days! I’ve been living my dreams and I’ll need your constant support throughout. Follow me through my journey in Miss Nepal! Let’s go!”

After the completion of MBBS, Astika is doing her internship at the Nepalgunj Medical College teaching hospital, Dashbigha, Kohalpur.

Video introduction of Astika and all the other contestants of Miss Nepal 2020:
Miss Nepal 2020 Contestants, Full Detail: Engineers, Doctors, CA, Forester, Agriculture, Management

A 2013 Photo of Astika Shrestha

A childhood photo of Astika :

On March of 2018 Astika wrote:

It’s not okay
Oh! what a shame,
maybe it was my fault, I’m the one to blame!
I was alone, they were four.
Empty, lost, upset, angry, disappointed, belittled, stripped from my dignity, but alas!
For some, it’s the harsh reality.
They groped me by my hands and feet and pushed me to the pool!
How dare you touch me inappropriately!
You’re a doctor, a grown man,
Don’t you understand!
It’s not okay,
putting your unwanted hands on my body!
This type of behavior happens now and then, when we talk about it,
It’s not “if” we’ve been assaulted, but “when”?
Oh, maybe it was my fault, I’m the one to blame, because honesty I cannot remember their names.
Thanks to you, I walk w/ my head down, too scared to raise my voice or make a sound.
Thanks to you, who made me contemplate my life, my future, that can’t be fixed with a surgical suture
Thanks to those few, innocent people have tried committing suicide, you know that right ?
Now, here I am suffering from PTSD,
Cuz you lacked the knowledge of C-O-N-S-E-N-T.
But maybe, maybe it wasn’t my fault, I’m not the one to be blamed,
It’s time for me to realize that my life is my life and to lift my head high and sing and dance
Sing about the bravery not worrying about my constant anxiety
All I’m asking for is respect, to be treated humanly,
Is it too much to ask for in 21st century?
HAPPY WOMEN’S DAY! To all the beautiful, strong women out there!

She had studies Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery at Nepalgunj Medical College
and graduated in 2020:

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