CA member returned his benefits

CA member representing Dalit Janjati Party of Nepal, Bishwendraman Pashwan has returned back Rs.1,20,700 that he received in the span of two years he was the CA member. That would make about Rs. 5,000 per months when divided by 24 months.

Mr. Paswan has told that the money belongs to the people and CA members have no rights to the money as the mandate given by the the people during the election – to write the Constitution within two years, was not done.

Although the move sounds patriotic and with good intention, it is possible that Mr. Paswan wanted to rip some political benefit from the move by returning only a part of the benefits he received for being a CA member.

According to CA record, each CA member has received at least Rs. 13,44,000 in benefits in the last two years of the Constitutional Assembly. That means Mr. Paswan has returned only about 9% of the total amount he received, but told that he had returned all of it.

Anyways, that was good move Mr. Paswan. Unlike others, you have at least returned some of the money.

In the 2008 Constituent Assembly election, the Dalit Janajati Party won 1 seat through the Proportional Representation vote. The party selected Pashwan as its representative in the assembly.

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