Facebook asks me to make it my homepage – one more reasons for Google to worry about

A weekly statistics show that 1 in 4 of all page impressions in the US were in Facebook pages. Hitwise statistics revealed a 60% increase in traffic to Facebook when compared to the same period last year. Now, Facebook is well above its nearest competitor, Google, and well ahead of Yahoo and YouTube. It is to be noted that the data excludes mobile traffic. Due to the social nature, Facebook tends to have more mobile traffic than Google.


Recently, my Facebook profile page has an extra notification requesting me to make Facebook my homepage. In the time when Google was useful people made it their homepage. Now, it seems Facebook is more useful and entertaining than Google.

Facebook gained more friends than foes with the Google’s aggressive move to block Facebook access to gMail contact. The rumored of Facebook unveiling a gMail killer in response to Google’s move proved to be milder than expected.

“We don’t expect anyone to shut down Yahoo Mail or their Gmail account and shift exclusively to Facebook,” Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg said during a press event to unveil Facebook Messages.

Facebook receives 10 percent of page views in the U.S., while Google is only receives 7 percent. With the ‘homepage’ push the gap between them is sure to increase in the coming days.

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