First Nepali Movie on Story of Lesbian Lovers, Snow Flower, shooting complete

The shooting of the first Nepali movie to feature lesbian couple, Snow Flower, has completed recently and has entered in the post production stage.


The movie directed by Suwarna Thapa features Diya Maskey and Nisha Adhikari. For the role Nisha Adhikari had shortened her hair to suit her role as a lesbian lover. Namrata Shrestha and Raj Ballav Koirala are also appearing in the movie in guest roles.

The traditional Nepali society is known to detest lesbian relationship. Although, various gay right groups have been lobbying in their inclusion in a respectable status in the society, it is still a guess on how the society will receive the movie made on unconventional theme.

A French cinematographer, Sarah Cornu is also involved in the production of the movie. The movie was announced on August 17, 2011.

5 thoughts on “First Nepali Movie on Story of Lesbian Lovers, Snow Flower, shooting complete

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