Friday Release, Jerryy

This week, on November 14, 2014, Nepali movie ‘Jerryy’ is releasing in theater all over Nepal. The movie directed by ‘Hostel‘ director, Hemraj BC, features Anmol KC, Anna Sharma, Amalia Sharma and Abhishek Man Sherchan in leading roles.

jerry-poster-friday release

‘Jerryy’ is a movie made on romantic drama story about a playboy type of youth played by Anmol KC. Anmol meets Akanchha (Anna) when he is in a tour to Mustang. The movie features the beautiful sceneries of Mustang.

In addition to providing entertainment, the movie is also expected to promote internal tourism – to Mustang. After the success of his debut movie ‘Hostel’ the viewers have high expectation from the director BC in his second movie. Hemraj BC has repeated the actor of ‘Hostel’ in his second movie and is expecting to establish Bhuwan KC‘s son in the Nepali movie industry. The success or failure of the movie will be determined in the next few days. For details and poster of ‘Jerry’ click on the link to visit NetofNepal.

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