Bollywood actress Sridevi has been cremeted in Mumbai. Her husband Boney Kapoor torched the dead body of the first female superstar of the Indian cinema industry, Bollywood. The last rituals was conducted by the priests from Tamil Nadu. During the last rituals, Bollywood celebriteis like Shah Rukh Khan, Sunil Setty, Anupam Kher, Amitabh Bachchan, Sabana Azami, Karan Johar etc.
[[Biography of Sridevi and the news about her death.]]
During the last ritual, full makeup was done on Sridevi and she was dressed in bridal dress. The truck that carried Sridevi’s body was covered on white flower. In the truck, her husband Boney Kapoor, son Arjun Kapoor, daughters Janvi Kapoor and Khusi Kapoor and her brother-in-law Sanjay Kapoor were present. For the last goodbye, a huge crowd of her fans were present on the route the truck was driven. The roads were filled with her fans. The police had to use force at places to control the crowd.
Sridevi had died in her hotel room in Dubai, where she had attended a marriage ceremony. After the marriage ceremony, she was found drowned in her bathtub. After a lengthy police investigation, Sridevi was brought back to India at around 10:30 on Tuesday evening. Accoring to the postmortem report, she had died of drowning.
The born on August 13, 1963 in Tamil Nadu, the actress was featured in more than 300 movies in her acting career is better known for her role in Hindi movies like ‘Mr. India’, ‘Chandani’, ‘Nagin’, ‘Chalbaaz’ and ‘Sadma’. She started acting in her childhood, at 4-years of age. After that she worked in a leading role in 1979 in a Bollywood movie, ‘Solawa Sal’. The 1990s was defined as the decade of Sridevi. The movies she did in those years include ‘Himmatawala’, ‘Aaulad’, ‘Heer Ranjha’, ‘Laadla’, ‘Judaai’ and others.
After years of absence, Sridevi made comeback in 2012 in ‘English Vinglish’, a super hit movie of that time.
Sridevi’s daughter, Janvi Kapoor, is going to debut in an upcoming movie – scheduled to release in July this year. Sridevi couldn’t watch the first movie of her daughter.
The statement of Sridevi’s husband:
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