Guna Cinema case study – Who loves Nepali movies?

Editor’s Note: When Big Cinema told that Nepali movies don’t have quality to be featured in its theater, we took it seriously. Raunak Niroula is doing a more detailed fact-check analysis for the “Who loves Nepali Movies?” article series. This is the case study of Guna Cinema, Gwarko, Lalitpur. Does Guna Cinema love Nepali movies? Let’s see. All photos were taken by Raunak.

If you have visited some of the multiplex movie theaters in Kathmandu, you might have noticed how they treat the Nepali movie viewers when compared to the Hindi and English movie viewers. If you haven’t noticed these facts, here is the proof.

It’s not only that Nepali movies are screened in small screen, within a small room located at the corner, the difference can be easily seen from the outside.

The following photo shows the entrance of Guna Cinema. As you can see – this portion of the cinema hall is extremely neglected. If you get an impression that Guna is a low quality cinema hall in Nepal, wait until you see the next photo.

guna-cinema-gwarko-nepali-movies-show-entrancePhoto 1: Guna Cinema entrance located outside and open – is mainly used for viewers of Nepali movies

The second photo is the proper entrance – and this is the same theater – Guna Cinema. The only difference between the previous photo and the next photo is: the entrance in the first photo is only for Nepali movies and the second photo is for "higher quality" Hindi movies.

Photo 2 – Guna Cinema entrance located inside is used mostly for Hindi movie viewers

Did you notice the floor in the first photo and compare it with the marble floor at the entrance leading to high quality screen and better quality seating.

Photo 3: Marble flooring in the entrance located inside

The ticket counter between the two types of movies are also quite different. The Photo 4 shows Hindi movies ticket counter. You can see it is decorated, marble floor, clean, and has a standard black glass door. You won’t believe it is the same theater when you see Photos 5 and 6. 

Photo 4: Hindi movies ticket counter – clean and impressive

The ticket counters seen in the Photos 5 and 6 are located outside in the open and are dirty, as you can see in the photo. These are the counters Nepali movie viewers have to use to buy ticket for their favorite Nepali movies.

Photo 5: Guna Cinema – Nepali movies ticket counter – neglected and dirty

Photo 6: Guna Cinema – Nepali movies ticket counter

Raunak took the Photo 6 to show the ticket counter for ‘Guna Ga’ in which, he had purchased the ticket for the movie Bato Muni Ko Phul. While watching the movie, he was surprised to find the screen of the hall was torn and a piece of cloth was pasted on top of the hole. It was done very clumsily and anybody can notice the defect on the screen. It is to be noted that Nepali movies are shown mostly in Guna Ga theater.

With these photos, it is clear that Guna is one of the multiplexes that loves Hindi movies more than Nepali movies. Did Big Cinema learned to hate Nepali movies from Guna Cinema? More case studies will follow in coming days.

Stay tuned for more case studies in this "Who loves Nepali movies?" series.

By – Raunak and Anand

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