Gurung Movie – Dhi (Nepali sub-title)

Gurung Movie – Dhi
Starring – Om Prakash Gurung, Rajani Gurung, Bal Bahadur Gurung, Rupa Gurung etc.
Director – Lok Bahadur Gurung, Bed Bahadur Gurung

The Gurung language (Tamu language) movie titled ‘Dhi’ means ‘House’ in English. The movie has Nepali language sub-title for the benefit of Nepali audience and features the typical Gurung culture. The movie is the sixth presentation of Abhiyan Films Production, Pokhara. The movie features the cinematography of Yuk Gurung, story and direction by Lok Bahadur Gurung and Bed Bahadur Gurung (Shyam).

Watch the full movie in a single part:

Credit – Stream Nepal

Gurung community – Gurung people are an ethnic group in Nepal and are also called Tamu. Mostly Gurung are Buddhist and some some are Hindu. For centuries, Gurung had influence from Tibet. According to 1991 census there are 227,918 people who speak Gurung language. The language is written both in Devnagari script and Tibetan script. In addition to Nepal, Gurung people also live in various parts of India and Bhutan.

In addition to providing a story for entertainment, the movie, ‘Dhi’ also gives a glimpse on Gurung culture and tradition. Although the movie is made in Gurung language, sub-titles are used to help the non-native speakers. Please comment on the movie.

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