Karishma Manandhar featured as a young girl in a music video

These days director Suresh Darpan Pokharel is in film distribution business and has taken a break from directing movie. That however hasn’t stopped him from directing music videos. Recently he has directed a music video for singer Pranis Maskey featuring actress Karishma Manandhar.

karishma manandhar retro - music video

Video of Karishma, during the shooting:

The music video being shot in Godavari features Karishma in retro-looks. The choreography is being done by Kamal Rai and Hari Humagai has captured the video in camera.

In the song titled ‘Jun tara sangai…,’ Karishma is seen in an old looks and getup. Karishma being one of the most beautiful actress in the film industry, the song is expected to be liked by the viewers.

While Karishma is being featured as an young girl in movies and music videos, her daughter Kabita Manandhar has also started modeling in music videos. Kabita’s debut music video on Saroj Dutta’s song titled ‘Bhaigo’ is expected to release soon.

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