Miss Magar Pokhara 2011 is Anu Thapa Magar

In an event organized on Saturday, Miss Magar Pokhara, 2011 title was awarded to Anu Thpa Magar. There were a total of 26 Magar ladies eying on the title. The winnder received a cash prize of Rs. 15,000 with other presents.


The first runner-up was Bhuma Thapa Magar and second runner-up was Kishori Ale. The first and second runner-ups received cash prizes of Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 5,000 respectively.

Beer Beauties

One of the most awaked moment of the beauty contest was when the cultural beauty contest turned modern one. The participants enter the stage on white T-Shirts and trousers – in sharp contrast to the traditional Magar dress. The organizers could have done the advertisement with an artistic twist, instead of just letting them wear the same T-shirt seen in other similar contests.

0 thoughts on “Miss Magar Pokhara 2011 is Anu Thapa Magar

  1. congratz 2 oi particpent n especiallie 4 miss magar crown winner.we magar also can contribute 2 society n nation tooo so we magar also come ahead 2 society n media which gives +ve long term effect so bst of luckkkkkkkkkkk

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