Miss Universe Nepal Manita Devkota, Miss Universe 2018

UPDATE: The Miss Universe 2018 representative of Nepal, Manita Devkota is not receiving the same level of love from her fellow countrymen like Miss World contestant Shrinkhala. That may be because there was on voting round in Miss Universe. But, she made it better in performance in the contest. With almost 100 contestants from all over the world, Manita managed to go up to Top 10. Although she didn’t made it to the crown, that was a pretty good performance given, this was Nepal’s second participation in the contest.

Her National Costume Round video:

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And this is the latest in her instagram:

I am sharing some of her more posts for you to make a judgement on if you would like to support her in the beauty contest:

And the story of her weight loss:

And this was the first post she did after leaving Nepal:

First day:

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