Height of plagiarism in Nepali movies

A movie produced and acted by Rekha Thapa, “Hifajat“, is releasing soon. One of the posters featuring Rekha resembles very much with the poster of a 2007 Hollywood movie, Resident Evil: Extention.


Nagariknews says that there are only seven differences in the two posters. I can see that, apart from the face and some minor variations in dress there is nothing much difference between the two posters. Oh yes, the “Las Vegas” has transformed itself to “Kathmandu”!


Hifajat is not an isolated case of ‘poster copying’ in Nepali film industry. Another Nepali movie, Tridev, also had its poster similar to the poster of a Bollywood movie, Tashan.

The photo trick is done in the similar manner in both the posters.

UPDATAE: I found another ‘copycat’ poster. This is of a movie named Ghamanda which is a copy from the poster of English movie ‘Blade’.

Don’t you think the creative “art-work” artist might be the same person? If our film crew copy even the posters what might be original in the movie? What about the copyright and intellectual rights?

I hope somebody will point out which posters do these other posters of Hifajat resemble:

16 thoughts on “Height of plagiarism in Nepali movies

  1. Pingback: Nepali YOUNG Filmmakers » Blog Archive » First Look: Flash Back
  2. not only poster …….. the song”A maya yo maya k hola” also copied from superhit telugu movie “ARYA” and song is ( Nuvantuee)….. i already saw this movie this on youtube with engligh subtitles………. musical hit superhit movie of alla arjun………

  3. That is how Nepali Movies are alive till today, if won’t it would have already extinct gone in vanish…….

  4. Not only of above If you see the posters of the English Movie “Shoot Em Up” and Nepali Movie “Papi Manchhe 2” .. they look similar

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