Shrisha Karki, the Nepali actress who died young

Here are the movies available in xnepali, featuring Shrisha Karki:

Nepali Movie – Soltini
Nepali Movie – Maya Garchhu Ma
Nepali Movie – Bacha Bandhan
Nepali Movie – Sukha Dukha
Nepali Movie – Anshabanda
Nepali Movie – Gham Chhaya
Nepali Movie – Maya Baiguni
Nepali Movie – Aawara
Nepali Movie – Mohani Lagla Hai
Nepali Movie – Dharti
Nepali Movie – Beimani
Nepali Movie – Malai Maaf Garideu
Nepali Movie – Aafno Birano
Nepali Movie – Atankabadi

The 24-years-old actress Shrisha Karki was considered an actress with potential in Nepali film industry. Shrisha comitted suicide in October 2002, three days after a tabloid newspaper ‘Jana Astha’ published a nude photo of the actress, and accused her of prostitution.

shrisha karki mother after her death

After the incident the editor of ‘Jana Ashta’ weekly, Kishor Shrestha, went in hiding. Film artists and Shrisha’s relative had accused the journalist of blackmailing the actress. 1,000s of film artists had marched in Kathmandu in protest of the journalist and the weekly.  The incident had received a wide media attention including the BBC.


shrisha karki - news article

shrisha karki

A part of the report published in BBC South Asia:

May Shrisha’s soul rest in peace.

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