Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala, Nepali actress Namrata Shrestha and actor / director Nischal basnet were the the judges of the dance competition organized by Sushila Arts Academy. In the grand finale organized on April 3 in Russian Culture Center, the Best Dancer Nepal 2015 title was awarded to Jenisha Dangol.
In the event, Manisha was also honored by Guest of the Honor for accepting to be one of the judges of the competition. With Manisha, Namrata, Nischal, and Tata Motors country manager Hemanta Puranik were the judges of the competition in the finale.
The jury of the competition also included Mithila Sharma with Hemant Puranik.
The top three contestants were awarded with gift vouchers worth Rs. 8,000 and the remaining contestants were awarded gift vouchers worth Rs. 5,000 each. All the finalists were awarded with a Sushila Arts Academy scholarship.
After the completion of the event, Manisha has already left for Mumbai.
Jenisha Dangol – 1st place Best Dancer Nepal 2015
Sumnima Sampang – 2nd Place of Best Dancer Nepal 2015
Glory Thapa – 3rd place Best Dancer Nepal 2015
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