Nepali Movie – Mausam

mausam - movieNepali Movie – Mausam
Starring, Aryan Sigdel, Ranjana Sharma, Ganesh Upreti, Sharmila Malla etc.
DirectorShyam Bhattarai

Watch full Nepali movie ‘Mausam’

New Nepali Movie - "Mausam" Rajesh Hamal, Aryal Sigdel || Latest New Full  Movie  2016

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About ‘Mausam’

Nepali movie ‘Mausam’ is the presentation of Sajan Films Pvt. Ltd. The movie is made on the story by the director Shyam Bhattarai. ‘Mausam’ features the playback singing of singers Deepak Limbu, Anju Pant, Manoj Sewa and Som Niraula. The lyrics of the songs are written by Dayaram Pandey, action by Himal KC, choreography by Basanta Shrestha and music is composed by Suresh Adhikari. The cinematographer of the movie is Dirgha Gurung and the editor is Banish Shah. The movie was produced by Sanjay Kutu.

Star Cast of ‘Mausam’

The movie ‘Mausam’ has an impressive star cast. The movie features the superstar Rajesh Hamal and actor Aryan Sigdel. The actress was the wife of the director, Ranajana Sharma. Ranajan Sharma later left Shyam Bhattarai and went to the USA. These days, Shyam Bhattarai is also in the USA. There is however no report of any patch up between the two. The actress of the past, Sharmila Malla is also featured in the movie.

Biography of Aryan Sigdel and the list of movies featuring Aryan :

aryan sigdel's films

Biography of Rajesh Hamal and the list of movies featuring Rajesh in xnepali:

rajesh hamal films

Viewer’s comment about ‘Mausam’

  • Biplap Rana Magar -in 2014 commented “so lovely movie”
  • Umesh Nepal, wrote in 2013 “like this”
  • Atiras Poju, wrote in 2013 “Nice movie”
  • A viewer’s comment in Twitter:

Poster of ‘Mausam’

mausam nepali movie poster

One thought on “Nepali Movie – Mausam

  1. With Dreams another youth love story movie Fulai Fulko Mausam Timilai was also released in theater on March 4. I am looking for dreams movie because i watching teller i hope this movie is great so i want website please send dreams movie website.

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