Nepali Movie – Sanrakshan (Nikhil Upreti, Saugat Malla, Mailna Joshi)

Nepali Film – Sanrakshan
Starring – Nikhil Upreti, Saugat Malla, Ramesh Ranjan, Malina Joshi, Ashishma Nakarmi etc.
Director – Purnendu Jha

One viewer commented – This is a movie of Bijay Kumar Gachedar. Once killed a student leader of Birathnagar, lost one of his eyes in a fight. He was a righthand of Girija Prasad Koirala in Madesh. It is a nice movie. Other commented – “Nice acting and all but, the story is boring.”

Watch the full movie here:

New Nepali Full Movie 2018/2075 - SANRAKSHAN | Nikhil Upreti, Saugat Malla, Malina Joshi

Credit – Highlight Nepal

Another comment – Script is quiet good but we couldn’t get the right message. If I have my say, I am totally disappointed because of songs which were in Hindi. It could be better if they were in Nepali language. I am a fan of Saugat Malla but, this was one of his mistakes. . She should have been in leading role.

The movie is made under Purnendu Productions banner.

Cast: Nikhil Upreti, Saugat Malla, Ramesh Ranjan, Malina Joshi, Ashishma Nakarmi, Pramod Agrahari, Kamesh Kumar, Krishna Singh, Ramesh Budhathoki, Nir Shah, Shweta Shah, Nandu Shriwastav, Nirdesh Sriwastav, Raj Katuwal
Cinematography: Purshottam Pradhan,
Edit: Surendra Paudel
Action: Himal KC
Choreography: Kabiraj Gahatraj
Music: Pravesh Mallick
Mixing Engineer: Sunay Man Shrestha
Background Score: Iman Bikram Shah
Lyrics: Dr. Krishna Hari Baral, Dermendra Premarshi, Roshan Janakpuri
Production Manager: Birendra Sharma, Arjun Pokhrel, Ganga Shrestha
Colorist: Rajendra Moktan
Associate Producer: Kamal Raj Bhatta, Santosh Chaudhary
Trailer: Krishna Bhandari
VFX Supervisor: Anupam Shah
BST/Stills: Umong Shahi
Poster Design: Ananda K. Maharjan
Distributor: FD Company
Produced By: Narendra Maharjan, Pradeep Kumar Udaya, Nandu Shriwastav, Shweta Shah
Written By: Ramesh Ranjan, Purnendu Jha
Directed By: Purnendu Jha

Poster of the movie:

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