Nir Shah, health update

The condition of Nir Shah hasn’t improved in more than a day of admitted in Gangalal Heart Hospital, Bansbari. According to sources, Shah was initially placed in a ventilator in CCU. The ventilator was later replaced by an oxygen mask. The attempt to remove oxygen mask however wasn’t successful and he is in critical condition. Yesterday, we reported it was a minor attack but later, it was known that that wasn’t the case.

nir shah after winning chhinnlata prize

File Photo – Nir Shah, Chhinalata Puraskar

According to the doctors attending Shah, they are waiting the situation to improve on its own and  have let Shah remain unconscious. If it doesn’t improve in three days, further treatment will be conducted. Senior heart specialist Arun Maskey is helping the treatment of Shah.

What had happened?

On Saturday, he had eaten regular meal at around 11:00 AM. After the meal he complained about uneasiness in his belly. Suddenly, he couldn’t breath and fainted. In a report in an online magazine, Shah’s wife Usha Shah told that Nir Shah was complaining of tummy ache for the last few days.

Shah’s family members

Shah’s wife Usha Shah and his daughter Akanchha are with Nir Shah in the hospital. Akanchha lives in Delhi, India and had arrived in Kathmandu in a vacation a few days before the incident. Shah’s son Aayush Shah lives in Bahrain and is coming home on Monday.

File Photo – Nir Shah (R) with his wife Usha Shah (L)

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